SEO Friendly URLs For Kymer's Campground in NJ

Permalinks Seo Friendly Urls

Boosting Search Engine Rankings

All Kymers Campground website pages are now SEO Friendly. Gone are the database driven lengthy urls which once looked like, now replaced with clean short keyword effective urls that look like 

What is a SEO Friendly URL?

A friendly URL accurately describes the page using keywords that are easy to read for both search engines and users.

Keeping URLs as simple, relevant, compelling, and accurate as possible is key to getting both your users and search engines to understand them (a prerequisite to ranking well).

Although URLs can include ID numbers and codes, the best practice is to use words that people can comprehend.

URLs should be definitive but concise. By seeing only the URL, a user (and search engine!) should have a good idea of what to expect on the page.

Increase Search Traffic and Improve Website Rankings

A well-structured SEO friendly URL looks concise and clean, provides a better user experience, is easier to share, and is optimized for search engines. Although it is not a major ranking factor, including keywords in your page url structure can improve your site's search visibility and generate more relevant traffic.

Make sure that your website is SEO friendly, speak with a programmer at Northern Pride Design.